Groundwater Global Foundation

Community Groundwater Management

Learn More

We are a modern and innovative foundation.

Our main goal is to support communities in the management of their groundwater resource.


Anyone can hand measure groundwater levels using their phone and our Groundwater Global app.


Institutions collect community measurements (marked public by users) for any area in the world and collect their own measurements from their own domain.


Insights and information can be transferred from institutions and academics back to the communities.

We exploit the world-class Groundwater Global app.






Android & iOS

Exploited technology.

Groundwater Global Foundation brings to use several cutting-edge python algorithms. The tunes and the algorithms that analyze recordings have been under development since 2023 making use of the latest available technology.

With the help of The World's Most Advanced Open Source Relational Database, the central Groundwater Global PostgreSQL database will be able to handle measurements coming in from all over the world.

The Groundwater Global app is an Ionic Angular cross-platform app. This means the exact same app can be delivered on all different platforms, such as Android, iOS and other platforms.

The Groundwater Global webserver follows the Python Django framework. Leveraging the power of Python, groundwater data can be readily analyzed to inform users.

Prices for data collection and guidance.

Data collection rates

Client Data Price Short description
Private individual Community Free Any user can freely download their own measurements.
Institution Community 1,00€ per location per month* Institutions get a paid subscription to download public community measurements by area.
Institution Professional 3,00€ per location per month* Institutions get a paid subscription to download their own professional measurements by project.
Client Data Price Short description
Private individual Community Free Any user can freely download their own measurements.
Institution Community 1,05€ per location per month* Institutions get a paid subscription to download public community measurements by area.
Institution Professional 3,15€ per location per month* Institutions get a paid subscription to download their own professional measurements by project.
Client Data Price Short description
Private individual Community Free Any user can freely download their own measurements.
Institution Community 1,10€ per location per month* Institutions get a paid subscription to download public community measurements by area.
Institution Professional 3,30€ per location per month* Institutions get a paid subscription to download their own professional measurements by project.

*Subject to a country coefficient for global solidarity which can be found here. Rates are multiplied by this coefficient.

*Universities get 80% discount on the country corrected rates.

Guidance for institutions

Project Locations Duration Price Description
Self-managed Any number - Free Feel free to set up your own measurement campaign. Please contact us to set up data collection.
Pilot ~10-30 2-3 months ~5.000-12.000€** Basic configuration, set-up, training and supervision. Please contact us.
Scale-up ~100-300 4-6 months ~30.000-60.000€** Professional configuration, set-up, training and supervision. Please contact us.
Campaign >1000 6+ months Tailor-made Everything we have to offer. Please contact us.

**These prices are indicative and may vary globally according to region and need.

**Installation of observation wells not included.

Contact us.